Give Feedback

Student Feedback Mechanism

Students may send feedback regarding the University (e.g., suggestions, observations, complaints, concerns). Feedback should always be given privately and in writing, addressed to the Center for Student Affairs (CSA), with the sender’s identity. Feedback may be sent through any of the following means:


  • Fill out the online feedback form while logged into your personal account:
  • Send an email to (using your personal account)
  • Fill out a student feedback form (hard copies are available at the Center for Student Affairs at the 2nd floor of the CAS Building) – ONLY AVAILABLE WHEN ON-CAMPUS CLASSES RESUME
  • Write a letter, signed and addressed to the Center for Student Affairs, and submit it at the CSA office (2nd Floor, CAS Building). – ONLY AVAILABLE WHEN ON-CAMPUS CLASSES RESUME


You may approach any staff member, who will then refer you to the designated CSA staff member in charge of receiving and processing student feedback. Confidentiality is enforced throughout the entire feedback process. Please note that for academic concerns (e.g., teachers, courses, grades), students are encouraged to bring up their concerns with the OpCom of the concerned school, prior to (or simultaneous with) the feedback channeled through CSA.

CSA will refer the resolution of an issue to the unit/school concerned, as follows:

  1. Non-academic issues – to the administrative unit concerned (e.g., REG, ADM, CCO, AFM, FMR, etc.).
  2. Discipline issues of faculty members – to the concerned OpCom (with copy to HRM). CSA (as the unit representative of students) is allowed to propose a disciplinary case against a faculty member.
  3. Technical academic issues with faculty members such as grades disputes – to the Grades and Academic Standards Committee.


CSA monitors how each issue is being addressed and updates the student on the progress of the action being done in response to the feedback. At the end of the semester, CSA sends a summarized report to the ManCom on student feedback and how they were addressed. ManCom exercises intervention only on issues that remain unresolved.