Office of Sports Development

How to try out for Varsity Team/
Join A Sports Club

Explore the various sports offered by your school or university, considering your skills and preferences. Ensure you meet any academic or athletic requirements for participation. Research the specific contact details (coach, club president) and tryout schedules for your desired team or club. Check the available student sports organizations directories on this website. Once you have the details, contact the coach or club representative for information about tryouts, practice schedules, and anynecessary equipment. Clearly communicate your enthusiasm and willingness to commit to the team or club. If applicable, participate in the official tryouts, showcasing your skills and following the coach’s instructions. After tryouts,
be proactive in following up with the coach or representative to inquire about the outcome. If selected, actively participate and contribute to the team or club. If not selected, consider supporting the team or exploring alternative sports options. Be aware of the potential time commitment involved in practices, games/competitions, and potential travel.

Scholarship and Recruitment

Athletic Scholarship Application and Renewal Process (As of SY 2020-2021)

Application of new Athletic Scholars:

  1. Incoming students must submit their requirements for the UA&P entrance exam.
    • Applicant must have a passing entrance exam result (non-negotiable)
  2. Applicant must tryouts and pass. (Disclaimer: On court try outs are suspended until further notice since physical training is prohibited.)
  3. If head coach of the team refers the applicant for the Athletic Scholarship, they will provide the necessary requirements that the applicant would need to fill up and submit to the Office of Sports Development.


Renewal of current Athletic Scholars:

  1. The Office of Sports Development shall provide all coaches a blank copy of the following documents:
    • Athletic Scholarship form (Download here)
    • Athlete’s -Performance Evaluation
    • UA&P Varsity Code of Conduct form
    • Athletic Portfolio form
  2. Head coaches are the only ones allowed to recommend their current/new scholars for athletic scholarship by providing them a blank copy of the Athletic Scholarship form, UA&P Varsity Code of Conduct form, Athletic Portfolio form to be filled up by the scholarship applicant.
  3. Once accomplished, the coach will fill up the recommendation form on the third page of the Athletic Scholarship form (a.) and the Athlete’s Performance Evaluation form.
  4. All completed documents will be converted into PDF format and which will then be compiled and organized into separate folders (one for each applicant) by the coach and submitted to the Office of Sports Development.
  5. The Office of Sports Development will then review the documents submitted and edit any necessary corrections to the rating on the Athlete’s Performance Evaluation form.

6. All reviewed documents and applicants will be deliberated on by the Scholarship Committee which is composed of the following:

  • Vice President of the Center for Student Affairs
  • Director of the Center for Student Affairs
  • Director of the Officer of the Registrar
  • Center for Student Affairs – Sports Development Head

7. Once the Scholarship Committee has finished deliberations, the Office of Sports Development will call the accepted applicants to receive their Athletic Scholarship Contract with their indicated scholarship percentage.

8. If the scholar will accept the offer, they will need to submit a signed copy of the Athletic Scholarship Contract to the Office of Sports Development.

9. The signed contracts will be sent to the Director of the Center for Student Affairs for signature and will be redistributed to the scholars. Receiving copies will be given to the Director of the Center for Student Affairs and the Office of Sports Development for record.


Athletic Scholars must have the following requirements:

  1. Passing UA&P entrance exam result (for new applicants)
  2. No failing marks in any subject for the school year of their scholarship.
  3. The grade requirements must also be met for the following scholarship percentage:
    • For 25% to 50% – An average GWA of at least 2.25
    • For 75% to 100% – An average GWA of at least 2.0
  4. Must adhere to the Varsity Code of Conduct.
  5. No active disciplinary cases.


All prospective recruits of varsity teams may contact the head coach or the team captain of the respective team they want to try out for. Try out process and selection will be up to the head coach of each team’s discretion