Office of Sports Development

Keep your body physically fit

Reservation of
Venues & Equipment

Requesting access to OSP Equipment

1. To borrow an OSP equipment, one must request permission from the Office of Sports Development and provide the purpose, time, date, and duration of use of the equipment.

2. Once the request is approved, the equipment is released by the CSAOSP custodian/service personnel or the OSP staff on duty.

3. If they will borrow equipment outside the work hours of the office (must be informed beforehand), they can get the key from the CSA custodian or the PSB guard .

4. The borrower must return the item in the same condition it was taken. Damage to OSP equipment shall be charged to the official borrower.

Reserving a venue at PSB (without outsiders)

1. Check the availability of the court/room during the event time (note that the training schedules of the varsity teams/clubs and the PE classes must be considered before moving on to the next step)

2. If the venue is available, send a project proposal or inform the office of the purpose of the reservation 123. The office will approve or disapprove of the request depending on the availability of the court.