Office of Student Development

Student Organization

Student Interest Groups (also referred to as student organizations) provide a venue for students to pursue their holistic development outside the formal academic setting. They facilitate the exercise of creativity and provide the opportunity to further hone skills, talents, and capabilities in the areas of leadership and project management. Ultimately, they are a venue where values, freedom, and responsibility can be developed in fidelity to the University’s distinct corporate culture and academic mandate as expressed in its Credo, Mission and Principles.

Guidelines for Student Organizations SY 2021-2022

What is a student organization? A student organization (SO) is a university-based association recognized by the University, formed by bonafide students of the University of Asia and the Pacific (UA&P) for the purpose of contributing to the achievement of objectives and the attainment of educational aspirations of the University—in unity and solidarity with the University’s Credo, Mission and Principles. What is the role of student organizations in the University? Student organizations (also referred to as student interest groups) provide a venue for students to pursue their holistic development outside the formal academic setting. They facilitate the exercise of creativity and provide the opportunity to further hone skills, talents, and capabilities in the areas of leadership and project management. Ultimately, they are a venue where values, freedom, and responsibility can be developed infidelity to the University’s distinct corporate culture and academic mandate as expressed in its Credo, Mission and Principles.

How to Apply For Recognition

For arts-oriented student groups and civic-oriented groups, inquiries may be directed to the Office of Student Development located at the 2nd floor of the College of Arts and Sciences Building (CAS). They may be reached at 6370912 – 26 local 344 or  For sports-oriented student groups, inquiries may be directed to the Office of Sports Development at the Parking and Sports Building (PSB). They may be reached at 6370912 – 26 local 380 or

Recognized Student Interest Groups


Business Economics Association (BEA)




The Sciences and Engineering Society (SEnS)

Applied Math Society (AMSoc)

Society of Industrial Engineers (SInE)


Black Ink Writers Society


Dragon Business Club (DBC)

Dulaang ROC